Posted on Apr 5, 2023 6:00 AM by Communications
Categories: General
It's time to celebrate our 2023 graduates! Please send the following details about your high school or college graduate by April 18 to
  • Graduate's First and Last Name
  • School or University graduating from
  • If a high school graduate and it's applicable, the college they've chosen to attend.
  • Use subject line "2023 Graduate" so we don't miss anyone
We have a tradition of putting banners in both round-abouts in the neighborhood and we plan to do the same this year. Make sure to spread the word to your Stonewall Manor neighbors. (If you've already sent us your graduate info, you're good to go).


Stonewall Manor HOA 
Communications Committee
Posted on Feb 18, 2023 4:00 PM by Communications
Categories: General
This is a very large neighborhood. If you see something, say something. Many issues can be handled with a simple conversation between neighbors. In the case of suspected criminal activity, call the police ASAP. If you see something amiss (like a light out) or someone violating covenants, report it here so that issues can be addressed.

Here are a few friendly reminders to keep everyone in compliance with our HOA rules:
  • Leasing: To avoid heavy fines, make sure to review our covenants and the leasing permit application before you begin renting. Both can be found under Documents on the website. Any homeowner leasing must complete a leasing permit application and continue submitting at the conclusion of the lease permit and/or any time the tenant changes.
  • Change Requests: Any changes to the outside of your home (paint color, door or window updates, etc) must be submitted to the ARC for approval - it's a pretty simple process, just email the board and the form will be sent to you via DocuSign. If you do not obtain pre-approval and make a change that is determined to be non-confirming, you will face significant fees plus the costs of any changes to get into compliance.
  • Trash Cans: Should not be put out before 5pm the evening before trash pickup, and should be pulled in before you turn in for the night after trash is picked up. Additionally, be sure to store them so that they are not visible from the street. 
  • Street Parking: With the holidays, remain mindful of the restrictions on street parking in the community. This includes no overnight street parking, and no parking that obstructs the flow of traffic. You must contact the board if you are seeking an exception for special occasions. Failure to do so will result in fines and in some cases, towing.
  • Lawns: This is a good time to start planning weed treatment so that you can kick off spring with a lush lawn.
  • Pet Supervision: When walking your dog remember they must be on leash in the neighborhood. Also remember to pickup any dog poop (we have doggie bags throughout the community for this) and dispose at your home.
Posted on Feb 1, 2023 6:00 AM by ARC Committee
Categories: General
If you are looking to PAINT please submit the proper ARC form to avoid delays. Photocopies, photographs or computer images do not accurately reflect the colors you plan to use. All exterior projects require approval, this includes roofing, painting, decks and patio, major landscaping changes, additions or changes to the original look of the home. The process for approval is simply to complete an ARC form which you can get from our website. There is a 30 day turn around for any request so submit early and we will try our best to respond right away. 
Posted on Jan 7, 2023 6:00 AM by Communications
Categories: General
Hello all,
We've all moved into a neighborhood for a sense of community and the benefits of home ownership. Keep in mind that while we do have an HOA with rules, nothing can beat knowing your neighbor and aiming to treat them as you'd want to be treated. The vast majority of issues can be solved with a quick call or stop by your neighbor's house.
Check out this article from the Spruce for some tips of being neighborly.
All neighborhoods have their own personalities. Some tend to be more open to socializing, while others are made up of people who prefer to stay to themselves. Regardless of the type of neighborhood you live in, there are still some basic etiquette rules you should follow to be a good neighbor.
The ultimate goal is to live in peace and harmony, and even though that’s not always possible, you can at least do whatever it takes to prevent hostilities and long-lasting hard feelings. Follow these tips on how to be a good neighbor. Read more here...
Posted on Jan 2, 2023 12:15 AM by Communications
Categories: Events, General
A happy new year from the Stonewall Manor HOA Board to you and yours!
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