Posted on Jan 29, 2022 4:00 PM by Communications
2022 Dues
Homeowners Association dues are unchanged this year and will be $568.00 due February 1. There is a 15 day grace period and dues must be paid by February 15, 2022 to avoid late fees and/or penalties. If you need to make payment arrangements you must contact the board by February 1.

You can pay online or by dropping your checks into the drop box at the clubhouse or mailing your check payable to Stonewall Manor HOA to:
Stonewall Manor HOA
4363 Bellwood Circle
Atlanta, GA 30349

Please include your address on the memo line.
Posted on Oct 23, 2021 6:00 PM by Communications
This is a very large neighborhood. If you see something, say something. Many issues can be handled with a simple conversation between neighbors. In the case of suspected criminal activity, call the police ASAP. If you see something amiss (like a light out) or someone violating covenants, report it here so that issues can be addressed.

Here are a few friendly reminders to keep everyone in compliance with our HOA rules:
  • Leasing: To avoid heavy fines, make sure to review our covenants and the leasing permit application before you begin renting. Both can be found under Documents on the website. Any homeowner leasing must complete a leasing permit application and continue submitting at the conclusion of the lease permit and/or any time the tenant changes.
  • Change Requests: Any changes to the outside of your home (paint color, door or window updates, etc) must be submitted to the ARC for approval - it's a pretty simple process, just email the board and the form will be sent to you via DocuSign. If you do not obtain pre-approval and make a change that is determined to be non-confirming, you will face significant fees plus the costs of any changes to get into compliance.
  • Trash Cans: Should not be put out before 5pm the evening before trash pickup, and should be pulled in before you turn in for the night after trash is picked up. Additionally, be sure to store them so that they are not visible from the street. 
  • Street Parking: With the holidays, remain mindful of the restrictions on street parking in the community. This includes no overnight street parking, and no parking that obstructs the flow of traffic. You must contact the board if you are seeking an exception for special occasions. Failure to do so will result in fines and in some cases, towing.
  • Lawns: Time to rake up those leaves! This is also a great time to start fertilizing your lawns and trimming trees. 
  • Pet Supervision: When walking your dog remember they must be on leash in the neighborhood. Also remember to pickup any dog poop (we have doggie bags throughout the community for this) and dispose at your home.
Posted on May 29, 2021 3:30 PM by Communications
Pool will be open this summer on Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. Reservations are encouraged; capacity limited to 30 people until further notice. 
Posted on Jun 28, 2020 3:00 PM by Communications
Pool Opening June 30, 2020
We know that many of you have been looking forward to the pool opening this summer. To make this happen, we've implemented new guidelines that are in line with CDC and Fulton County Dept. of Health requirements. It is important that all of us keep safety and social distancing prioritized during this pool season. 
  • New hours Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 12:30pm to 8pm.
  • To maintain social distancing, maximum capacity inside the pool will be 25 people.
  • To guarantee a time slot, you can reserve a time on the website. Absent a reservation, pool access will be first come, first served.
  • You must wipe down any furniture or items touched before/after usage (sanitizing wipes will be provided).
  • The tables and chairs are setup in mandatory positioning for social distancing - do not move without the attendant.
  • You must check-in at the Clubhouse with the attendant to gain entrance to the pool.
  • The pool is available to Stonewall Manor homeowners and family members ONLY - no outside guests.
Anyone using the pool should review the new pool rules and will be required to sign a waiver, which will be available at the Clubhouse. Copies of the rules have been uploaded on the website under "Documents" for review.
Posted on Jan 1, 2020 5:45 PM by Communications
It's that time of year! Don't forget to check your dues notice and make payment on time - late fees apply February 1.
We’re excited to enter a new year and move our community forward.    THE HOA DUES FOR 2020 WILL REMAIN AT $568.00.  PAYMENT IS DUE ON JANUARY 31, 2020. A payment schedule may be arranged if you contact the HOA Board of Directors at prior to January 19, 2020. Late fees will be applied on February 1, 2020.
The dues are assessed to fund the necessary expenses incurred to maintain our community and increase the value of our homes. All homeowners were sent an invoice via both USPS and email earlier this week.
Online - Check your email for invoice notification and submit payment - you can also login to your account to make payment
Mail -  Mail check payable to Stonewall Manor HOA to 4363 Bellwood Circle, Atlanta, GA 30349 (check must be received by February 1 to avoid late fees)
Hand delivery -   Come by the clubhouse during pre-scheduled Clubhouse Hours in the month of January to leave your check with a Board member  (check the calendar for dates and times)
REMINDER - Please join us at our Annual Meeting on January 19, 2020 at 3pm in the Clubhouse as we plan to build on this momentum, discuss new projects and vote on important community issues.